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What it is like graduating from a Japanese University

Studying abroad is probably the best decision I have ever made in my life. Speaking for my own experience, I had a wonderful time being an international student in Japan. This blog post is for the people who are interested in studying abroad but wish to know more what the experience is like.

I studied at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU for short). It is an international university set in Kyushu, Japan. I studied a bachelor’s degree in social science majoring in culture, society and media. My degree is now coming to a close, thus concluding four fantastic years living in Japan. I decided to study abroad because my home country never felt enough. This does not mean I dislike my home country, quite the opposite, I love my home country. One of the reasons why I decided to study abroad is because I wish to be a person that can represent my ethnicity and nationality in a good light to Japanese. Another reason for wanting to study abroad is to reach a greater understanding of our world. I believe studying abroad, especially in a culture vastly different from your own will surely come with many challenges that you will have to overcome. Having to understand the banking, pension, health system and so on in Japan was quite tough, but it was one of many things that have made me stronger as I had to learn how to overcome those obstacles. Other reasons for also applying was learning new languages and appreciate other cultures. I wished to start a new life abroad as I wished to start a new me. A place where I did not know anyone. A place where I can truly have a fresh start. I was able to achieve all of my reasons for wanting to study abroad as I have surely grown as a person. I have met people from all across the world, overcome many obstacles that have prepared me towards adulthood and improved my English and Japanese to a great extent.

Similarly, to why I decided to study abroad, I have the same reasons for why I chose APU. APU is an international university with over 90+ countries present. I wished to enter APU as I wished to meet people from all across the world and learn their languages + cultures. I was able to do so as everyone in my friend group where from different countries and all of our native languages were different as well. It is a great way to represent that friendship can happen across borders and I learned a lot about their countries thanks to them. I also wished to study at APU because it has a good Japanese learning program. Before I decided to study abroad, I was considering whether I should enroll in a bachelor’s degree or solely go to Japanese school. I wished to enroll into a bachelor’s degree because APU had a mandatory year in which new learners of Japanese has to enter an intensive study program. I thought of it as a bonus as I would then be able to learn Japanese, but also get a bachelor’s degree, in which I did.

After living here for four years, it feels surreal to think I am leaving soon. Of course, I could have done job hunting in Japan and continued to live here, but for my own personal reasons I decided it is best for now to return to my own home country. However, after living here for four years I had come to love living in Japan. Japanese people are super polite, Japanese is such a fun language and Japan is a convenient and amazing country to live in. If I ever feel like coming back (which I probably will), I will surely return to this amazing country.

If you wish to study in Japan, then I would recommend enrolling into APU. Not only will you get the experience of living in Japan and study Japanese, but also get the opportunity to meet people from all across the world. I would suggest many to try to live abroad as it will surely make you grow as a person and enable your perspective to see the world from a different aspect. The feeling of graduation is tough, especially when this chapter in your life was quite amazing, however all good things must eventually come to an end. I will forever be grateful for the people I met in Japan and I will try my best to continue to grow after this. APU did truly shape my world.

Presented by APU LEAF


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