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International Love

For many people that wish to move abroad for either study, work, travel or simply to start a new life, ahead of that road some people might even be interested to find love. Moving abroad and keeping contact with people over social media has definitely helped it easier for many to meet and keep in contact with a love-interest that may live over 1000 miles away. International couples are becoming more normalized and people might even prefer a foreign partner rather than a partner that is from the same nationality. For many students that study at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU for short) which is an international university set in Japan, many can relate to the stomach tingling when meeting someone special from a completely different background than them.

International couples are quite normal at APU. For both international and Japanese students, it is quite common to at least get the butterflies in the stomach for one person from a different nationality. Many of the international students that wish to stay and work in Japan after university, might be interested to find a Japanese partner as well. It is also standard for the Japanese students to be interested in a foreign partner because Japanese people might not be their type. Then there are also international students that meet other international students.

Whether the relationships will be a fling, last long or be together forever, that depends on the couple. For many it is exciting to try and date from different cultures to experiment with what they like and not like. While for others, culture does not matter as long as they meet someone that totally matches their personality. Dating is difficult no matter where you live, because at the end of the day it all comes down to the relationship between the couple. However, it is definitely important to address that cultural differences will definitely play a strong role in those relationships. It might make the relationships stronger or weaker depending on those differences.

For example, APU is a great example of diversity with countries, languages, religions and values. It is fun for many relationships to explore those differences such as teaching each other’s languages, learning how to cook their national dishes and experiencing how love is expressed differently through either words or body-language. Differences are definitely fun when people are able to stay open-minded, however for many relationships those differences can also be difficult for many to ignore. Because there is so much diversity, it might be very difficult for many that starts an international relationship, to see eye-to-eye. There might be clashes with language-barrier, religious values and cultural customs and norms. Dating is never easy because all relationships will have their ups and downs. What is most important in order to keep a healthy relationship is by respecting each other. Of course, that is very easy to write and say, however that might not be so easy in reality.

An example that many international couples might relate to when it comes to falling in love and finding it hard to agree on, is religion. Religion is very important for many when it comes to how you wish to live your life. Because religion plays such a big role in many relationships it is definitely going to be tough to agreeing with each other when religious values clash. Another reason might also be cultural clashes. Many nations out there are complete opposites when it comes to political ideologies, economic interests and social customs. It is important to keep cultural values that you hold dear. However, sometimes those values might clash with a love interest.

At the end of the day, falling in love and receiving that love back is a wonderful feeling. However, being in a relationship whether it is international or not is not easy. Wishing to be in a relationship with someone whether it is friendship or love, it is always important to communicate, stay honest and respect each other. Even sometimes, it is important to keep in mind that we also have to sacrifice somethings if we wish to keep a relationship with someone. So, if you ever find yourself in a relationship with someone and it is tough because of one or several differences, then please communicate and stay honest with them. Then hopefully that conversation can end on a good note, however it is important to keep in mind that not all things end well. And I want you to know that is okay. Whatever the outcome might be, please keep in mind to respect each other and wish each other well whether that is being together or not.

Presented by APU LEAF

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