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The Evolution of Distance Learning in APU

For one and a half year now, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (also known as APU) has operated an online teaching method. Because of the ongoing pandemic there are different precautions taken by different universities set in Japan. After the pandemic became global news and affected Japan quite strongly, APU decided to postpone the start of the Spring semester by four weeks. Both staff and students were quite confused by how to operate and attend online classes at first but became accustomed to it a few weeks after the semester had officially started. Not only was there confusion with the way to attend university, but also how to live according to Covid19 measures advised by the Japanese Government and the university

In Spring 2020, APU decided to close its campus and strongly encouraged its staff and students to follow Japanese regulations on how to prevent the spread of the virus. APU provided support for students who did not own personal computers and wifi. However, the biggest worry for an international university, are its students that are not within Japanese borders. Because of the pandemic and fear of the spread, the Japanese Government did not permit students who had gone home in the Winter Vacation to re-enter the country. Despite owning a student visa, the country similarly with other countries did not permit anyone with a visa to re-enter. It was not until September 1st, 2020 that Japan started to allow foreign visa holders to re-enter the country. Finally, its students could return safely back home to their lives in Japan.

Nonetheless, another issue began rising. The number of new students that would like to move to Japan and start studying at APU. Although, students as of Fall 2019 were permitted to return as they already were visa-holders. Students who had applied for visas for Spring 2020 and Fall 2020, were either put on hold, or had their visa applications denied. Despite Japan opening from September 1st, it was difficult for new students to receive an accepted visa and book a flight that was not cancelled. Luckily, there were new students that had started in both Spring 2020 and Fall 2020 that were permitted to enter Japan and successfully come to the country by November and December. They arrived safely in Tokyo were APU had booked a quarantine hotel for students to stay in and the staff was taking care of the students quite well. After the two weeks were over, the students were finally permitted to take their next flight which would lead them to AP House, which is the dormitory for new students at APU. There they were finally able to meet their friends they had met online and start living their life as an international student in Japan.

APU has operated online classes for four semester and through those semesters they system has improved and made it more possible for students to enjoy their university life. As of now, Fall 2021, APU operates its courses online, but with a twist depending on the type of class. All classes are operated online with the professor using the platform Zoom. However, the twist is that some classes are offered either Hybrid, or Switch style. Hybrid class means the professor is teaching on campus within a classroom in front of a computer, however students are free to join campus by sitting in the room with the professor or attend class from home. Students are encouraged to choose the style of attending the class according to their liking.

On the other hand, we have Switch classes. Switch classes means every week different students are permitted to go to campus. This is decided by the student’s ID number. The class will be split in two, meaning one week the first half of students will have to attend class on campus and then the next week the other half will be the ones to switch with the first half. When not on campus, the student will take the class from home. The purpose of the Switch class is to limit the number of students coming to campus so that students are able to properly socially distance while walking on campus or sitting in a classroom. Furthermore, all students attending class on campus are required to wear a facial mask at all times. It is only allowed to take it off when eating or drinking. One good thing about being in Japan under this pandemic is that wearing a facial mask has been a common practice for many years. When simply having a cold, it is normal to wear a mask. Because seeing people wearing facial masks is a common sight, the Japanese do not think it is strange to see anyone wear it as everyone under this pandemic wears it. During this time, it is rather strange to see someone who is not wearing a mask as it is strongly encouraged and even enforced in certain spaces.

Taking online classes is not easy, especially if the student is stuck in their home country, not able to go to the country they so strongly wish to move to. For all new students attending APU, it is strongly encouraged to try your best by being an active student in which you make friends and join clubs. Clubs are quite important for Japanese students to join as it is their way of make friends and develop as a person. APU offers many clubs and circles for students to join so it is highly encouraged during a time that is tough to find someone we can depend on for energy support. There is no requirement to join physically as most clubs and circles operate online. It is important to have a routine by waking up, get ready for the day, eat proper meals and try doing exercises. Please do not stay in bed while taking online class as it will definitely decrease your energy level but also your hope to finally achieve your dreams of coming to Japan. It is important that we all have hope so that we can somewhat return to the lives we were used to before the pandemic.

Of course, we all would like to return to a normal life in which we do not need to worry about simply going outside to buy groceries. We all miss seeing our friends on a daily basis and having a proper routine that keeps us energetic for the day. For APU it is important that its students and staff has hope so that one day we can finally return to our beautiful campus. For now, having an online system is the safest option so that we can keep each other safe. Even better, this semester APU has been offering its students a free vaccine against Covid19. Although, the pandemic numbers are decreasing in Japan, and many people chose to receive the vaccine, it is still important to keep in mind that we will never fully return to our normal lives we knew before. Covid19 made a big impact on the world we live in and the things we have learned and faced during this pandemic will forever stick with us. Wise words from the APU President, Deguchi Haruaki is “The Power of Giving Up”. There is a link below to a podcast in which you will listen to President Deguchi’s wise words on how this pandemic has affected us and the type of approach and thoughts he has about the future. The podcast is offered in 16 different languages so please listen to it as a way to motivate yourself regarding the world we live in right now and how to accustom to it. Have hope, but do not think we will return to a normal life, as we are in the process of creating a new normal life right now.

If you ever have any questions about living in Japan or being a student at APU please contact us at our Instagram account:


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