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Why you should study in Japan

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

After Japan had their rapid economic growth between the 2nd World War and the Cold War, Japan would then become the world’s second largest economy (after the United States). Because of their economic boom, and effort to apologize for their war crimes, Japan in the 1980s would increasingly become a hot destination for people all around the world to study and work in. Ever since, Japan’s popularity with foreigners have strongly increased and today viewed as a popular travel destination as well (Silver, 2020).

But why should you consider coming to study and work in Japan? Over the last 20 years, there are several Japanese universities that have opened their doors to foreigners, thus creating more opportunities for both Japanese, and foreigners to interact and learn more about each other’s cultural backgrounds. If you have a high educational standard, then you should definitely come and study in Japan. Japanese are known to take education very seriously and with that comes high quality education. Most international programs offered in international universities in Japan are either economics or liberal arts related subjects. But do remember that today, Japan is the world’s third largest economy (after the US and China), and that the Japanese are known for their efficiency, kindness, cleanliness, and especially their sense of professionalism. And let us not forget that Japan is also known for their extremely beautiful scenery and culture (Silver, 2020). Either you wish to work in Japan or not, nevertheless it is quite impressive to have on your CV that you have some type of education from Japan.

If you do wish to study in Japan, you should definitely consider studying at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. It is an international university located in the South of Japan in the famous hot spring city, Beppu. The international to Japanese ratio is at 50%-50%, which is quite rare for other international universities in Japan. Even half of the professors are of foreign nationalities. There are both undergraduate and graduate programs offered at APU so depending on your level of study you can either take a bachelors, masters, or even a doctoral degree. There are two colleges offered at APU, Asia Pacific Studies that offers a focus on subjects related to different social sciences, and Asia Pacific Management that focuses on business administration and how to become a global leader in an economic world. At this university, it is possible to apply for either English-basis (international), or Japanese-basis (must be of fluent level in Japanese). Courses are offered in English and Japanese, but all international students that wish to work in Japan after finishing their degree are strongly encouraged to take Japanese lecture classes so that they can improve their language proficiency. Because Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University’s students and faculty consists of over 90 different countries, it is with outmost priority for everyone at the university to emphasize on learning and respecting each other’s cultural backgrounds.

If you have further questions or wish to come and study in Japan, please make sure to follow LEAF on our Instagram and Facebook pages (press the links below). We post blog posts about living in Japan, and how it is being a foreign student so make sure to bookmark our blog website as well.

In addition, if you are interested to study at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, please check out the university webpage:

Reference list

Silver, C. (2020, December 24). The Top 25 Economies in the World. Retrieved from Investopedia:


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