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Why you should study International Management at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

International Management, also known as APM is one of the two colleges offered at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU for short). It gives a bachelor’s degree in business administration (BBA degree) and the duration of the college is 4 years. APU has a yearly intake of around 660 students to APM and you can enroll in either Spring (April) or Fall (September)! Because the university is set in Japan, you will definitely receive one of the best educations as Japan is quite known for being the best at innovation and business. Most of the professors as well have worked in businesses prior to teaching at APU, so you will learn from experienced working people that is ready to prepare you for a successful business life as well.

Furthermore, at APU you can take something called Area of Study. Area of Study is a specialization major, meaning you have to pick one out of four Area of Studies recommended at APU to have on your diploma. The Area of Studies offered are Accounting and Finance (1), Marketing (2), Strategic Management and Organization (3), and Innovation and Economics (4). Of course, knowing what Area of Study you want on your degree can be a challenge, but there is no need to worry. APU has a range of introduction classes and you can try classes from all the different majors to find whatever you enjoy the most. Unlike, APU’s other college, APM students are not required to pick an Area of Study to major in. Throughout the four years, APM students will take required classes that are from all the majors and the one they have the most credits in when they graduate will be the one that is also written on their diploma. So if you wish to have Marketing written on your diploma, you have to make sure that is the major you have most credits in.

At APU there is also a range of required subjects APM students have to take in order to graduate. All these subjects are comprehensive classes that will surely prepare you for business life and you will definitely become a master at management skills. Furthermore, if you would like to take classes related to social science such as politics, humanities or psychology, then you can also take classes from our other college Asia Pacific Studies (APS for short). It is not a requirement for your credits, but it is quite popular for both APM and APS students to try classes from the other college. It is always good to expand your knowledge, and perhaps classes from APS has something you think is important for you to gain knowledge on for future reference. In addition, APU also offers different language courses where you can strengthen your language skills. You can of course learn Japanese to a fluent level if you wish to work in Japan. But if you would like to work in other countries such as South Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia or Spain, then APU already have you covered as they offer language courses from these countries as well.

It is not easy to decide on what you wish to do for university, but it is always good to check out what your interests are. If you would like to expand your global perspectives, become professional at business ethics and a master at problem-solving, then studying International Management at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University would definitely be something for you!

Common questions prospective students ask regarding APU’s International Management college.

Q: What are the benefits of studying management?

A: If you wish to work in an organization, studying management is always a safe option as getting employment is almost guaranteed. There is a range of job opportunities such as accountant, game developer, consultant, investment banker, stock market analyst, manager, advertising, starting your own business and much more. Almost any job needs someone who has studied management, because simply all companies needs someone to “manage” the business and the economy that goes into it. Therefore, if you are uncertain of what you would like to become in the future, studying management is a safe option as it can give you a range of opportunities and change jobs in the future as well. Bonus point by studying international management that APU offers is that you get an international title on you so if you wish to live and work abroad or work in an international department of a big company, you have a great chance to be accepted as well!

Q: What are the mandatory classes I have to take at APM?

A: Unlike APU’s other college APS, APM students are required to take mandatory classes from their 1st to 4th year at APU. If you fail the class, then you simply have to take it again. The reason for why students are required to take these classes is because they are based on required knowledge APM students should know if they plan to work in a business-oriented field. There are in total 11 required courses APM students have to take: “Introduction to Management”, “Statistics”, “Accounting Ⅰ”, “Introduction to Economics”, “Introduction to Marking”, “Finance”, “Management of Human Resources and Organizational Behavior”, “Production Management”, “Legal Strategy in Business”, “Business Ethics” and “Global Management (Capstone)”. All of these courses will cover basic knowledge on economics, management skills, accounting, marketing, finance, statistics, strategies and ethics within a business field. If you wish to advance your knowledge further on a specific topic such as economics, there is a range of other economics classes offered at APU that you can chose from your own will.

Q: Where can I get an overview of all the classes that APU currently offers to APM students?

A: If you wish to learn more about the courses that APU offers for APM students there are two links provided down below. The first one is specifically the curriculum for APM students. In addition, as mentioned above in the blog, APM students can also take credits from APU’s other college known as APS so the second link shows the APS curriculum. If you wish for further explanation on certain courses stated on either the APM or APS curriculum then please do not hesitate to contact us as we who work on this blog are all APU students.

APM curriculum:

If you want more information regarding the college of International Management (APM), then please do not hesitate to contact us for any inquiries. You can also find more information regarding APU if you check our earlier blog posts.

You can also visit this website link if you wish to do further research on APM:


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